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이지혜 트리오 feat. 프랑크 쿠르츠

2016. 10. 3 (MON)

Gee Hye Lee (piano)
Frank Kuruc (guitar)
Torsten Krill (drums)
Joel Locher (double bass)

한국에서 클래식을 전공하던 이지혜는 재즈 피아노를 배우기 위해 독일 슈투트가르트 음대와 미국 버클리 음대로 유학을 떠났고, 현재 독일에서 재즈 피아니스트로 활동하고 있다. 2009년, 클래식과 재즈가 적절히 조화를 이룬 첫 앨범 <Midnight Walk>로 성공적인 데뷔를 한 이지혜는, 이를 계기로 다양한 유럽 아티스트들과 함께 협연하며 이름을 알려나가기 시작했다. 이지혜는 이후 솔로 프로젝트 Geenius Monday와 이지혜 트리오 등을 통해 재즈와 힙합, 소울 등 다양한 장르가 혼합된 자신만의 음악 스타일을 완성했고, 최근에는 남아프리카공화국과 독일 아티스트들이 함께한 프로젝트 그룹 Kaapstad를 결성하는 등 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다. 특히 재즈 기타리스트 프랑크 쿠르츠의 퀄텟으로 컨템포러리 재즈 앨범 <Still>(2014)을 발표하여 좋은 반응을 얻었던 이지혜는, 이번 자라섬 재즈를 통해 오랜만에 한국 땅을 밟는다.

Written by 전승훈

At the tender age of three, Gee Hye Lee began taking classical piano lessons in her hometown of Seoul, Korea. She quickly received numerous awards for her talents, and everything seemed to point her towards a career as a classical pianist. But the moment Gee Hye was given a recording of "Kind Of Blue" for her 16th birthday, she realized she wanted only one thing: Jazz!

As she transitioned from studying classical music to jazz, Gee Hye moved from Seoul to Stuttgart, Germany in 1996. She studied with jazz musician and composer Paul Schwarz and in 2003, completed her diploma with honors at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart. That same year she was given a scholarship to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston. Upon her return to Stuttgart in 2005, Gee Hye won the Baden-Württemberg Art Foundation Competition and Scholarship. In July 2012, she was honored with the Jazz Award of Baden-Württemberg.

Gee Hye always believed the strict separation of jazz, soul and pop music was senseless and has therefore pursued various jazz, hip-hop and soul projects throughout her academic career. As a result, she discovered her own unique style and has given numerous concerts playing both the classical piano and the electric Fender Rhodes.

Her first CD <Midnight Walk> was released with her trio band by Universal Music Korea in August 2009. In addition, Gee Hye Lee has performed nearly every Monday with a variety of new musicians since 2006 at Stuttgart's iconic jazz club <Kiste> for a total of over 350 performances. Showcasing her enormous range, Gee Hye released the CD <Geenius Monday> in 2010 and her second trio band album, <Lights> in July 2012. Since 2014, she is a featured member of the Frank Kuruc Quartet.